As the Millennial generation begins to enter the workforce, companies are having to reevaluate the way they manage everything from benefits to team building. This is because individuals in the Millennial generation, or those born between the early 1980s and the early 2000s, have different expectations than previous generations, and many of these expectations are based on advances in technology.
Working From Home
Because the Internet and computer technology has made it easy to stay connected, many Millennials expect to be able to work from home from time to time or even on a permanent basis. Many companies are warming up to this idea as it also benefits businesses in terms of overhead costs. If employees are working from home, lights don’t need to be turned on at the office and equipment doesn’t need to be used. Additionally, evidence suggests that employees who work from home are often more productive than their office-dwelling counterparts.
Many Millennials like the idea of relocating for a career, but most only want to go to specific destinations.
Relocation is a Concern
In addition to technology desires, Millennials are also more likely to want to relocate for their careers, including internationally. Relocating employees are also more likely to expect relocation assistance from their employers. Unfortunately, while many employers are attempting to appease such employees, these requests don’t always compliment the bottom line. As a result, a company may bargain with a Millennial employee to ensure that both sides are happy. For example, if an employee wants to be sent to Madrid, but is instead sent to Jakarta, the employee may bargain for a choice assignment during his or her next relocation.
Career advancement is important to Millennials, but older workers are less likely to give up leadership positions.
Career Advancement Opportunities
Another concern for business owners and HR professionals is the issue of career advancement. Millennials are more likely to seek out career advancement opportunities, but baby boomers are slower to retire or less willing to retire. This puts business owners in a bind as they then face the possibility of losing valuable employees because advancement opportunities aren’t available, and many of them end up going from company to company, which is a trend that wasn’t seen in previous generations of workers. Likewise, in order to create these opportunities, business owners may have to force the retirement of older employees who are equally as valuable.
Talent Acquisition
Employers are also finding that most Millennials are turning to the web when searching for employment. As a result, many employers are now using an online-only approach to hiring. Through various job boards and social media sites, employers are able to present vacancies much faster and to a much larger audience than in the past, saving time and money. This approach is attractive to Millennials as it shows candidates that a prospective company is forward-thinking and is embracing technology.
If you’re interested in attracting Millennials or anyone else to fill open positions in your company,‘s can help. By posting a single job opportunity, your vacancy can be syndicated across the web, potentially reaching thousands of qualified applicants.